What is the Youth Work Unit?

The Youth Work Unit (YWU) is the strategic youth work sector development agency for the Yorkshire and Humber region. It is the focal point for the youth work sector in the region and has a unique role in bringing together the dual functions of support and development.

The YWU was established in 1998 by the 15 Local Authorities who recognised that there was a benefit in working together with voluntary youth sector organisations, to share learning and practice and support developments.

Now with a radically changed youth work landscape, financial cutbacks and the demise of national youth policy, the YWU as a sector-led support body works harder than ever to support youth work planners and providers in the region. To maintain a quality youth work offer to young people, as well as working with young people themselves to enable their voice and influence to be maximized locally, regionally and nationally.

The YWU is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation and works with voluntary sector, Local Authority (LA) and private youth work providers, youth voice representatives, as well as with regional and national bodies.

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What is Youth Work?

Youth work is non-formal education with young people, primarily 13-19, promoting personal development and social education, in the important transition years to adulthood.

Youth workers build relationships with young people which support their development, improve their life chances and help them to reach their potential.

Youth work can be a rewarding career, with training at all levels. Find out more here  Youth Work Career Pathways

For organisations interested in taking on a youth work apprentice, check out our A very basic guide for organisations wanting to appoint an apprentice sep 24 here.

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