Yorkshire and Humber Youth
- Yorkshire and The Humber covers 15,408 square kilometres and is the fifth largest region in England – over 20% rural
- 15 Local Authorities
- 4 sub regions – Humber, North Yorkshire, South Yorkshire, West Yorkshire
- Population of 5.3 million (larger than Scotland & Wales)
- Approximately 11% BME population
- Over 80% of the population live in urban areas with a population over 10,000
- Over 1,022,998 young people (10-25)
How can you help?
Whether you want to start or progress a career in youth work, can support our work by providing an opportunity, resource, training or want to donate to help fund the work we’re trying to achieve, use the buttons below to navigate our website and see how you help.
Alternatively contact us by emailing theunit@youthworkunit.com
Are you a Young Person?
Want to get your voice and the voices of others around you heard to make a difference to your future? We want to hear from you!
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Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us by emailing theunit@youthworkunit.com