Services for children, young people and families in Birmingham face a funding drop of more than £100 million after councillors approved what are thought to be the biggest budget cuts in local authority history. Councillors approved plans which will see children and families services funding slashed by more than £52 million in 2024/25 and more than £63 million in 2025/26. This includes a reduction of funding for home to school transport for vulnerable children and funding for youth services being cut by £2.6 million. Services for children at risk of exploitation in city will see funding cut by more than £2 million while early help services will face a funding reduction of £8.4 million.
The local authority, is facing an immediate budget shortfall of £87m which led to leaders issuing the section 114 notice. Council leader John Cotton apologised “unreservedly” to people living in the city during the meeting, describing the cuts as “devastating”.