Employer : Climb 4 Limited
Salary: £29250- increasing yearly to £30,195 pro rata
Term Fixed Term 1/12/2024-1/12/2027
Hours:- 37 hrs a week (must be Flexible – must be able to work some evenings/and Saturdays) Overtime available- also possible increase to full time (subject to funding)
Reports to: Managing Director
Purpose of the job: The service manager will take responsibility for the day to day management of the team and the delivery of the Youth and Community activities. To ensure it meets the needs and requirements of those we support and have a positive impact on their health and wellbeing. Working closely with children and young people, funding bodies and other partnership agencies. Delivering a structured, professional and co-ordinated approach, meeting the outcomes, objectives and mission of Climb 4 Limited and funding bodies.
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