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The Rise Partnership – we understand the theory of what good looks like to support young people with SEND and additional needs into a meaningful adult life. In this workshop we will explore how to do this well through the lens of young people by listening to their stories and hearing what worked well for them and what didn’t work so well.
Looking at the four pathways, employment, friends, and relationships, independence and independent
living, we will share best practice with you and challenge you to consider what this might mean for your
own practice in your local area, and how you work more effectively across education health and care to
support and enable young people’s aspirations for their futures.
Sessions are delivered by NDTi and have been co-designed with young people with lived experience of
being in the SEND system.
• Increase understanding of Preparing for Adulthood pathways for young people Post 16

• Understand the evidence base for positive outcomes around; Employment, Friends and Relationships and Community, Independent Living and Good Health including how to support stronger health transitions between children and adults
• Increase understanding of tools and resources available to support best practice
• Reflect on and share local strengths, challenges, and opportunities through the eyes of young people with colleagues from other local areas.
Register Here

All sessions are open to everyone. However, the evening sessions have been booked to ensure parent
and carers especially are able to attend.

Thursday, 20 February 2025  Morning: 10am-12:30pm
Monday, 24 February 2025  Evening: 6pm-8:30pm
Thursday, 6 March 2025  Evening: 10am-12.30pm
Tuesday, 25 March 2025  Evening: 10am-12:30pm