Together with the NYA’s Higher Education Institution (HEI) Annual Monitoring Report and National Youth Sector Census, the newly published Workforce Survey offers a clearer picture than ever before of the youth sector and individuals involved in youth work delivery. Key findings of the NYA’s Workforce Survey:

  • Over half (59%) of respondents have worked in the sector for ten or more years
  • Only 6% had worked in the sector for less than a year
  • Only slightly over a third (37%) are professional youth workers (have a Level 6 / degree level qualification)
  • The East of England has the lowest proportion of Level 6 qualified youth workers (18%)
  • The North East has the highest proportion of respondents with a Level 6 qualification (53%) followed by North West (53%) and Yorkshire and the Humber, West Midlands and South West (each 41% respectively)

The NYA’s research aims to provide the evidence needed to galvanise key decision-makers, including policy-makers, funders and training partners to work together to rebuild the youth work sector, which has seen a loss of 70% of council-funded provision due to over a decade of austerity cuts.