The Youth Work Unit facilitate several youth voice groups in the region and are unique being a representative regional body led by young people speaking out and working to ensure young people’s views are heard and are taken seriously in matters which affect them. They have made differences locally, regionally, and nationally meeting with MPs, Metro Mayors, Police and Crime Commissioners, LA officers, Councillors, Health bodies, service providers, businesses, and others to progress their concerns or in response to invitations and consultations. Have a look below at what is currently happening, contact theunit@youthworkunit.com for more details on how to get involved.
Youth Voice Activities
Local Authorities partner YWU’s broad based regional Youth Voice (YV) offer which complements and extends the range of work they undertake locally, giving young people opportunities to progress and to have a voice at both a national and regional level. More information on youth voice groups can be found by clicking on the buttons below.
The SEND Youth Alliance took part in the Authoring our own stories project in 2022, they created a website and a film that can be found here – Yorkshire Send Youth Alliance
Leeds by sallyjude
In 2021 a group of Peer Researchers supported by the Youth Work Unit Y&H, created a report on the State of the Region’s Youth Work.
The four areas that the first ‘State of the Region’ report looks at are:
- Youth voice and attitudes towards young people by Will Solomon
- Enrichment and open access provisions by Mitchell Winter
- Youth opportunities and employment by Jude Daniel Smith
- SEND youth provisions – access all areas by Reese Spanton
Youth voice groups are invited to our annual residential and may take part individual group/project nights away.
Youth Voice Groups
Youth voice groups are invited to our annual residential and may take part individual group/project nights away.
Much of our regional youth work groups are supported by funding from the Cooperative Foundation