External Provider Website: Click Here

YHA (youth hostel association)  – are a national youth charity, as such they offer bursary places for groups. Have 130 venues across England and Wales. You can go self-led or access their activities – where these are.  The locations are unique and vary in size.

They are looking to highlight their offer / opportunities.

Groups can hire out whole buildings – or share and can apply for support with costs.

They have a new Funding Stream Outdoor Citizens Programme –  https://www.yha.org.uk/outdoor-citizens

Providing opportunities for groups to gain access to the Great Outdoors – there is a link on the page to possible sources of funding for outdoor activities (and yes LAs can apply).

Groups can use the YHA to stay in or just day visits – which might work for some.

Groups they recognise as possibly needing more support to access the outdoors include but not limited to – LGBTQI+, all female groups, Ethnic Majority groups, disadvantaged.

This funding – can contribute towards transport

YHA Breaks Programme – closes 10th Dec  – an easy expression of interest form

Looking at youth groups –

You can go for catered or self-catering – with or without adventurous activities

Aimed at greatest needs

  • SEND,
  • Young carers
  • Care experienced.
  • Young Asian women

Open to all regions –

Goes to panel in January – and groups are advised where to stay, as they know their venues and what would meet your needs.


You will need to have funding for transport.