Introducing The Youth Work Evidence Alliance  who brings together leading voices and practices in shared measurement to evidence the impact of quality youth work. Whose members include BBC Children In Need, The Paul Hamlyn Foundation, UK Youth, and Youth Endowment Fund. It spans the funding community, infrastructure bodies, practitioners and local authorities, with the goal of transformative, collaborative action in collating, sharing, and reflecting on data about the impact of youth work.

To support their work the YWU and RIN are hosting a roundtable event on Thursday 30th January 2pm – 4pm online where we the topic will be –

How can organisations in the youth sector develop shared narratives and tell better stories about impact?

In this session they will explore issues around shared measurement, thinking about the real-world opportunities and challenges to aligning impact measurement systems between organisations and across the sector. Come and join us exploring questions including – What are the benefits to developing a shared narrative across the youth sector?

To book your place round the table click here –

For more information on the Youth Work Evidence Alliance  click here – Youth Work Evidence Alliance | YMCA George Williams College


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