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Youth Mental Health Participation and Research project being led by Edge Hill University. They have already successfully recruited 17 young people and are now trying to ensure representation from specific communities listed below. It’s a paid opportunity and open to YP from any geographic region.

Recruitment details

We are in the process of widening the participation within this group, so that we have a diverse range of experiences and voices represented in the group. While this is an open invitation, we are particularly interested in hearing from young people with lived experience of mental health challenges who meet at least one or multiple of the following:

  • Are aged 9-15
  • Identify as male or gender diverse
  • Are disabled and/or neurodiverse
  • Come from culturally diverse backgrounds
  • Face economic or digital challenges

To participate, young people should:

  • Be well enough to take part in group activities
  • Be comfortable communicating in English and within groups

link to the survey, you can access this here https://app.onlinesurveys.jisc.ac.uk/s/edgehill/youngarts4us-advisory-group