Opportunity Provider: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XirHsmElhAOpfv0MGSbWOtqWwjd97f-5/view?usp=drive_link
Hill Skills course for community group leaders working with our under-represented groups or people who identify as belonging to one of the below groups.
Groups who are currently under-represented in our visitor numbers are:
Individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds;
People with a long-term or limiting condition/impairment;
People experiencing social and/or economic disadvantage;
Children and young people
We want to support community group leaders to feel comfortable planning and delivering visits
to the Yorkshire Dales and other areas of hill and moorland independently. We hope this will
improve chances that people from our under-represented groups get to experience the
Yorkshire Dales National Park and the wellbeing benefits it has to offer.
read more here