key messages should be shared with parents/ carers when talking about asthma management in schools / youth project or at home. follow the national campaign #AskAboutAsthma’s advice:
The Four Asks (also see attached)
The #AskAboutAsthma campaign encourages children and young people, their families, and those involved in their care, to follow four simple and effective measures to help manage their asthma:
- Get an asthma action plan in place
A written asthma action plan drawn up between a clinician and patient means people are four times less likely to have to go to hospital for their asthma.
2.Understand how to use inhalers correctly
Less than three-quarters of children and young people have any form of instruction in how to use their inhaler. Poor inhaler technique means patients don’t get the full benefit of their asthma medication.
- Schedule an asthma review – every year and after every attack
An asthma review by an appropriately trained clinician after every attack helps to work out what went wrong. An annual review ensures effective management of the condition.
- Consider air pollution and its impact on lung health
We want to ensure that every asthma conversation considers the impact of outdoor and indoor air pollution on children and young people’s asthma
**The attached resources were released for the event in September 2024, but can be used all year around.
Resources for Families and Schools
We have a range of educational resources designed for parents and carers and schools to help manage and support CYP with asthma Asthma :: West Yorkshire Healthier Together.
The following videos have been designed specifically with families and schools in mind Asthma Videos; what is asthma, asthma triggers, asthma attacks, treatment in school and at home, inhaler techniques, Personal Asthma Action Plans (PAAPs),
Resources for Young People
The following website offers short videos for young people living with asthma Home – Moving on Asthma.
Resources for Professionals
Please see a range of useful resources to support improvements for CYP asthma in West Yorkshire Asthma Resources for Professionals :: West Yorkshire Healthier Together including free training Supporting Children and Young People’s Health: Improving Asthma Care Together tier 1 course.